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The time factor in the natural constants

In the derivation of the natural constants in the previous Chapters we have described the coefficients in the formulas as a  
"time factor". The laws of nature explain the relations and interrelationships of physical phenomena based on sizes, and  
with the time factor, we can explain the dynamics behind these physical processes. According to the new world model,  
each dynamic element ensuring movement in the space and thus causing events; contains a universal timing cycle. Also any  
type of power transmission includes this timing cycle, and we will discuss this topic in this Chapter.

Based on the derived formula for the speed of the light, the nature of time has been explained with the universal timing  
cycle in the last Chapter. Therefore, we will discuss the time factor for the other derived constants of nature.

The time factor in the acceleration of gravity

The time factor in the acceleration of gravity, as we have seen in chapter 3.6 is as the following:

This time factor is connected to the time factor of the gravitational constant, and therefore we will consider both together.
The time factor in the gravitational constant

For the gravitational constant we had obtained the following time factor in the derivation:

The time factor in the gravitational constant includes the time factor of the acceleration of gravity of 5.5. While the  
acceleration of gravity depends only on the mass density of the attractive celestial body and has a relatively small range;  
the force of gravity depends on the mass densities of two bodies and it has an enormous reach.

The different range s-is caused by the factor 6.060606 ... . At acceleration of gravity it is divided by this factor and at  
gravitation, it is multiplied with it. In other words:  For acceleration of gravity, the time factor is directed inward to the  
center of the attracting celestial body, and it therefore has a limited range. In contrast, it is directed outwardly at the  
gravitation, whereby the attraction force attains an enormous range.

The quantized timing cycle is included in the two variables by the value of 1.0101010 .... Further analyzes were not  
performed, but the difference to the universal timing cycle of 1.00100100 ... apparently is based on the interaction  
between two bodies.

The timing cycle 1.00100100100 ... was defined as "universal timing cycle", because the speed of light is the most  
important physical constant in the universe. Other time cycles, such as discussed above, are modified forms of this  
universal time cycle.

The unilateral impulse transmission in the space at the speed of light contains the universal timing cycle 1.00100100100 ...  
with the space time quantum 1.11. The bilateral interaction with the gravitational acceleration and gravitation contains the  
timing cycle 1.01010101010 ... with the space-time  quantum 1.1. The difference results from the space-time quantum  
and it is reduced with bilateral interaction.

The laws in this effect have yet to be studied. Apparently, this difference of the timing cycle is based on physical  
properties at the pulse and power transmission. These two physical effects are caused by different time cycles. The time in  
the units of the physical variables makes clearly the difference.

The time factor in the fine structure constant

In the fine structure constant, the time factor is not explicitly included in the formula. But with the grand unified theory   
beside the derivation of this fundamental constant, it also can e derived the underlying time factor. The basic principle of  
the fine structure constant is actually based on the following relationship with the universal time cycle:

This is also equivalent to:


The numerical value of this fundamental constant results from the overlaying of this time factor with the interactions taking  
place, which are described with the fine structure constant.

Summary of results so far

The global formula, in terms of the natural constants tells us principles of dynamics which were previously unknown.  
Previously, the physical constants only could be determined by measurement, and it was not known what they are  
attributed to. As we have seen in the derivations of these fundamental constants, in addition to the quantized values also  
the time factor is responsible for the dynamics of the natural constants.

The time factor in the constants of nature determines how the pulse, and the power is diverted in quantized form. Not only  
the physical parameters such as mass, charge, etc., are quantized, but also the time. This fact is logically comprehensible  
when it is considers that the time cannot run continuously when the quantities involved are quantized. The interactions  
between the quantized sizes take place in accordance to the quantized timing cycle.

As we have seen in the derivation of the speed of light, in the analysis of time and now also in the analysis of time factors  
in the constant of nature, the time is not a neutral measure which is measured outside the process, but it makes provision  
for the sequence of events according to a determined cycle. In addition to the fundamental Planck magnitudes, the time is  
responsible for the dynamics of the universe.

The functioning of the time can be explained physically approximately from these aspects. The possibility of quantizing the  
world has far reaching impact on our world view. With the global formula, we can attribute anything to the quantized  
elementary elements, namely space, time and energy.
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